Along with our signature profiles, we will always have a selection of coffees available on-site at our roastery in Barnstable, MA and from our online store. We have established wholesale relationships with a few local bussineses and purveyors of high-quality coffee and culinary products. As our production process focuses on quality and not quantity, we look forward to developing additional relationships with businesses that share our approach to fine specialty coffee. If you are interested in discussing a wholesale relationship, please contact us and we can talk about how we can work together in giving you delicious freshly roasted coffee.

We are also currently partnered with several local and regional businesses to develop special coffee profiles, blends, and private label coffees. Planning a special occasion that deserves a commemorative coffee with a custom label for your guests? Would you like the patrons of your B&B to have a special gift to remember their stay on Cape Cod with your logo on it? Then we should definitely talk! We are always glad to partner and work with businesses, institutions, and non-profits to jointly develop new ideas in coffee that meet your needs.